Tag Archives: Libya

Front pages reviewed at midnight: Monday 21 February 2011

Libya is the story of the moment but what is interesting is that none of the nationals have anyone in Benghazi or even Tripoli. This is because all Visa requests are being turned down so anyone trying to get there is struggling. To make things worse the Libyans are interfering with internet and television signal, so Al Jazeera is also down. So tonight’s papers all, bar the Telegraph, splash with a story about Libya written largely in London.

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Al-Megrahi’s release may have been wrong, but so was his imprisonment

There is so much being unsaid in the continuing debate over the ‘Lockerbie bomber’ Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi that I felt I had to write something. It now appears that the British government may have been pressuring for the release of Al-Megrahi in order to secure economic deals with their new allies in Libya, which is contrary to international law and despicable behaviour. But this is obscuring a wider debate about whether Al-Megrahi was guilty in the first place.

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