Author Archives: Joe Dyke

Irish Radio at its best

This is a great spot by a friend. Story from local Irish newspaper the Southern Star.

Here’s a good one. A Cork radio station was running a competition for the best effort to find words that weren’t in the dictionary but that would make sense when used in a sentence. The prize was a trip to Alicante. A caller rang in. ‘Hi, what’s your name?’ said the DJ. Caller: ‘Hi, me name’s Denis.’ DJ: ‘OK Denis, what’s your word?’ 

Caller: ‘Goan … spelt G-O-A-N, pronounced “go-an”.’ DJ: ‘You’re quite correct Denis. Goan isn’t in the dictionary. Now for the trip to Alicante! How can you use that word so as to make a logical sentence?’ Caller: ‘Goan feck yourself!’

The DJ immediately hung up and took other calls, all unsuccessful, until: DJ: ‘Hi, what’s your name?’ Caller: ‘Hi, me name’s Brendan.’ DJ: ‘Well Brendan, what’s your word?’ Caller: ‘Smee…spelt S-M-E-E, pronounced “smee”.’

DJ: ‘You are correct, Brendan, “smee” is not in the dictionary. Now for the trip to Alicante! How can you use that word so as to make a logical sentence?’ Caller: ‘Smee again! Goan feck yourself!’

Front pages reviewed at midnight: Tuesday 10 May April 2011

Sorry for the long gap. Work commitments have taken over sadly so this blog will only be sporadic from now on. Today’s front pages: Guardian leads with a fascinating education story, Telegraph calls on Cameron to respect family values while The Times and The Independent report on the superinjunctions fiasco.

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Obama gets personal: President claims credit after killing of Bin Laden

When he was running for President what so many people liked about Barack Obama was his willingness to pass praise on to others. When he would be hailed as a great orator he would go to great lengths to stress that he was the voice of a movement. When asked about his popularity he would point out that he was nothing without the grass roots.

Not any more. Today the President claimed personal credit for the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

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Osama Bin Laden is dead

It has just been announced that Osama bin Laden is dead. It is 4.12 am in the UK.

More later.

Front pages reviewed at midnight: Wednesday 27 April 2011

 The Telegraph attacks the BBC, the Times tries to get some kind of AV news, The Indy leads with Marr and the Guardian leads with the Arab spring.

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Front pages reviewed at midnight: Tuesday 19 April 2011

Another mixed bag tonight. The Independent has a great scoop picked up from the Chilcott Inquiry, The Times goes with adoption again, The Telegraph focuses on heart attacks, The Guardian has the AV Referendum and the Mail leads with the two men shot in Florida.

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Front pages reviewed at midnight: Monday 18 April 2011

Apologies for the ten day break, have been on holiday. Here are tonight’s front pages. The Guardian leads with NHS cuts, The Independent has Miliband on AV, the Mail has the collapse of family life, The Times reports on the adoption system and The Telegraph leads with a story that I think first appeared in the Sunday Star.

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Front pages reviewed at midnight: Friday 8 April 2011

Tonight’s papers are an interesting mix with The Indy going for Ivory Coast, The Times has Kenya court case and The Telegraph has a potentially big story about Cameron backing down on defence cuts.

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Front pages reviewed: Thursday 7 April 2011

Sorry I didn’t blog last night. Very busy with work. Here are the front pages today but no analysis sadly

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Front pages reviewed at midnight: Wednesday 6 April 2011

The Guardian and The Independent lead with the latest phone hacking arrests, The Times attacks Clegg on internships while The Telegraph is with David Cameron on his latest foreign trip.

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